More than 20 years manufacturing and marketing impregnated wood poles in more than 15 countries have made us specialists in the production of poles for electric utility and telecommunication projects. Our products are intended to support overhead power lines, fiber optic cables and other utilities and related equipment such as transformers and street lights.
Our production plant is the largest impregnation plant in Chile, with automated technological systems, highly efficient treatments that allow us to manufacture high-strength and durable poles in a standardized format, and our state-of-the-art preservation methods that allow us to maintain a permanent stock of products.
Wooden poles
Our wooden poles are exposed to a special treatment to guarantee strength and durability. This process, used worldwide, allows chrome to "lock" copper and arsenic into the wood, reducing the risk of chemical leaching.
Our manufactured poles are characterized by:
- Excellent surface finish.
- Resistant to biological or climatic agents.
- Easy installation, for attaching fasteners.
- Unlimited supply as a renewable resource.
- Electrical insulation, resistant to shock load.
- Ecological and handcrafted aesthetic attributes.
- Produced under the standards of electric distributors (Endesa, Chilquinta, etc.).
- Regulated by SAG in Chile and international standards ANSI and AWPA.
- Certified by the EUROFINS permanent quality control program.
The products marketed by RC POLES are made from Radiata Pine, commonly known as Monterey Pine, an arboreal species belonging to the Pinaceae family (coniferous trees with abundant branches) native to the southwestern United States.
Chile is a country with more than 13.6 million hectares of forest, characterized by highly resistant and durable wood. Today, forestry plantations represent 17% of the total forest area in the country, making Chile a South American reference in the export and commercialization of timber. Chile's forestry policies have increased the forested area by 10% in 25 years, positioning the country as a world example of sustainable forestry.
Our production plant can produce enough poles to cover more than 7,000 hectares of land in a year.

The Programmable Automaton (P.L.C.) is an electronic device capable of controlling in real time sequential processes of any type and volume in the industry in general. For our impregnation processes, the PLC allows to automate the impregnation process guaranteeing the effectiveness in the penetration of the preservatives on the wood, in addition to adjusting other technical aspects that allow to enhance the quality of each unit of wood.

Our plant has a hot water boiler that supplies a 200 m3 front-loading package-type chamber and a 160 m3 tunnel-type chamber. The availability of tunnel type chambers provides the capacity to dry the interior and thus prepare loads in the external lines, promoting the efficiency of the processes.