- They come from fresh, green, debarked and rough-hewn wood that retains its natural taper.
- Vacuum and pressure treated with CCA-C for direct use in soil and fresh water, according to Risk Classification 5 of Chilean standard NCh819.
- Longer durability, chamber drying before impregnation ensures that the preservative penetrates deep into the wood.
- Retention of 9.6 to 20 kg of oxides per m3, depending on use.
- The requested perforations are made before the impregnation process, so that the posts are fully protected.

Reference standards:
- The posts comply with Chilean standards NCh2122, NCh819 and North American standards ANSI 05.1, AWPA and Arch Wood Protection.
- The poles can be customized and produced to the standards required by the end user.
- NF C 67100.
- BS 1990.
Additional services:
- Pole markings
- Cut on the tip
- Perforations
- Logistical capacity
- Technical assistance
Postes tratados con métodos de preservación de alta tecnología. Fabricados de pino radiata, una de las especies más reconocidas de Chile por su resistencia y durabilidad, son especialmente utilizados para la conexión de cableados en telecomunicaciones, fibra óptica y tendido telefónico.
- They come from fresh, green, debarked and rough-hewn wood that retains its natural taper.
- Vacuum and pressure treated with CCA-C for direct use in soil and fresh water, according to Risk Classification 5 of Chilean standard NCh819.
- Longer durability, chamber drying before impregnation ensures that the preservative penetrates deep into the wood.
- Retention of 9.6 to 20 kg of oxides per m3, depending on use.
- The requested perforations are made before the impregnation process, so that the posts are fully protected.

Reference standards:
- The posts comply with Chilean standards NCh2122, NCh819 and North American standards ANSI 05.1, AWPA and Arch Wood Protection.
- The poles can be customized and produced to the standards required by the end user.
Additional services:
- Pole markings
- Cut on the tip
- Perforations
- Logistical capacity
- Technical assistance
7.62 mts to 9 mts, Class 5-6-7.
Advantages and Benefits
of Impregnated Poles
Guaranteed durability, since the treatment confers a total resistance to the attack of biological agents, transforming them into a reliable product with a long useful life.
Lower costs for transportation, handling and machinery requirements used in the installation than in the case of alternative products.
They do not corrode galvanized hardware. RC Poles uses a high quality CCA-C preservative, formulated based on oxides (Osmose).
The requested perforations are made before the impregnation process, so that the post is fully protected.
Great flexibility against impact loads, the posts recover their original position.
Trust. Wood is a good electrical insulator, so the pole does not present a risk to living beings.
Environmentally friendly, the production of impregnated poles has a lower energy consumption than the production of alternative poles.
- Radiata Pine poles are guaranteed by FRC for 50 years of service life. In the case of eucalyptus, the useful life of the poles can be extended by up to 25 years.
- Chilean Radiata Pine poles are included and accepted in the AWPA and ANSI 05.1 standards as of 2004, as well as in several norms and standards in the five continents.
- ISO 9001-2015.
- FSC.