Traditional weddings in Central Asia

During the 60 to 70 years of Soviet/russian principle, some Core beautiful tajikistan women Asian bride customs were overthrown, but another customs still exist. They are frequently spectacular and extravagant, reflect the value of people, and are grounded in the area’s wandering previous.

A bride’s symbolic hat, known as the saukele, serves as a farewell to her happy days as a young lady and as an entrance to married life. A well-known woman may use platinum, silk, and other priceless materials to enclose the headpiece. Her departure to the groom’s community residence was in its last stages of preparing. Therefore, with her confront unveiled, she was escorted either on foot or on horses. She must produce ritual bow to the female relatives of her husband when she is traveling.

Another significant aspect of a Core Asian matrimony festival was the dowry, or jasau. The couple’s family gave her a wide range of goods to use for her upcoming in-laws. They could include pricey household items like food, dishes, and expensive jewelry. Although this practice is declining in today’s fast-paced society, close family also gave items of fine materials and kalpaks ( traditional clothing for men ).

The repayment of a sizable sum of money to the princess’s community is also practiced in some places, like Turkmenistan. It’s known as kalym and is more than$ 10,000. The custom was outlawed during the Soviet Union, but it has since grown popular, with 90 % of celebrations nowadays paying kalyms.

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